Wednesday 25 March 2015

Modernity in Stratford

                                                           Modernity In Stratford

We have seen a big change in Stratford from the early days to the present day today, not only has the city changed but also the people within the city. The Olympics Park as has brought a lot of change to the City especially because more tourist now come into London to shop mainly at the Westfield Shopping Centre. We have seen the transformation hands on from the Olympic Park Stadium, From the transition of just being London to a place were it has become a big deal for tourist and also Athletes.

Now modernity, through our change of culture has brought about a rational attitude towards the past and new open minded view toward the future. Everything within the modern era has been put into motion and transition towards the future. Modernity is a small part of a bigger picture within history and it is the era that has brought more fast change in human life. There seems to be a need for changing and speeding up the constant search for renewal. The transformations from buildings to cars to city's affects everything around us from our lifestyle to the way we choose to express ourselves.

While Modernity being about change within universal history it does create crisis and then theirs a need to solve those problems. Modernity creates problems along with its accomplishments, so can we really say that the transformation of Stratford is not only about it's 'image'. As we view Stratford now it seems as if Stratford is based on a image of it being perfect, where the buildings are so transformed and with saying that you get the sense that the people living in Stratford are as 'high end' as their buildings and surroundings.

By Codeika Bent

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