Monday 23 March 2015

The Stadium

from 2016 the stadium will become the home of west ham united but ...

CGI of how the Stadium will look in 2016


The Park's most unmistakable venue, the Stadium is a superb coliseum that has been intended to host world-class occasions long into what's to come.
The Stadium is presently shut and will re-open to general society in 2016.
From 2016, the Stadium turns into the new home of West Ham United FC and the National Competition Centre for sports in the UK, and additionally a noteworthy unrecorded music venue.
It will be open lasting through the year for guest visits, expressions and social occasions, meetings and other wearing exercises.

Anyhow you don't need to hold up until 2016 to experience the glory of this notable stadium as it will have various prominent occasions throughout the following two years. Having effectively facilitated the absolute most significant evenings in wearing history amid the 2012 Games, the Stadium is situated to give the stage to a fantastic arrangement of games apparatuses including the Rugby World Cup in 2015 and the IAAF World Athletics Championships in 2017.

By Richard Sofeso

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